About us

Maths Faster provides online Maths classes with a dedicated online Maths tutor. We offer both private Maths tuition and group Maths tuition for all levels:

  • nursery/kindergarten (preschool), 
  • primary (elementary), 
  • secondary (junior/senior high school) and
  • university/college

Maths Faster is one of the brands of LEARN FASTER
a pioneer in online tutoring in Singapore. We’ve been teaching online since 2008 – a time when people were wondering if e-learning actually works!

Thanks to our expert team of highly qualified and experienced online Maths tutors, Maths Faster can guarantee value for moneyquality and efficiency.

Learn Maths online faster and smarter with us!

about maths faster
Maths Faster | Learn Maths Faster and Cheaper

Why Choose Us

Experienced Tutors

You learn from experienced online Maths tutors who have taught students all over the world: they know the best strategies to help students learn Maths faster and smarter at their own pace.

Reasonable Prices

You pay a reasonable price for the undivided personal attention of a dedicated online Maths tutor. The tutor can focus on your weaker areas to help you improve your Maths skills.

24/7 Service

You can take our online Maths classes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are the perfect choice if you have time constraints or wish to enjoy the convenience of home tutoring.

Reliable service

We return calls immediately, we respond to all emails and enquiries ASAP, and we get you started with your online Maths classes quickly. You can rely on our efficiency.

Get started in 5 easy steps!

You send us an enquiry

Fill our Contact Form so that we have all the necessary details to assist you better.

You are assigned a Maths tutor

We’ll assign the most suitable tutor to your programme based on your specific needs.

You take our free Trial class

We only provide a free Trial class to serious students who plan to take our regular classes.

You pay for your chosen Package

You can choose one of our packages (4h, 10h or 20h) based on your needs and budget.

You start your online Maths classes

You and your tutor will finalise the class days and time based on mutual availability.

“We are very proud to finally launch Maths Faster. This comes after multiple requests we’ve had over the years from satisfied clients of the Learn Faster brand of companies.

Students and parents who have used our tutoring services always compliment us on our trustworthiness, efficiency and reliability. They know we are uncompromising in our efforts to deliver the best service at the most reasonable price! Indeed, we leave no stones unturned to match students with the most suitable tutors, get them started as quickly as possible, and intervene to sort out any difficulties they encounter along the journey.

We thank everyone for their trust and continued support. We certainly won’t disappoint!”

Nageeb Gounjaria

Founder, Learn Faster in Singapore and Globalizasian Pro in Hong Kong

Meet the Tutors

Sombe Joel Yondo online maths tutor


Online Maths Tutor (Durban, South Africa)

BSc (Hons) Applied Mathematics
(University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa)


Online Maths Tutor (Istanbul, Turkey)

PhD candidate, Theoretical Physics
(University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa)


Online Maths Tutor (Jakarta, Indonesia)

BSc Chemistry
(Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia)

Meet the Management Team

Lu Chunxia

Operations Manager

Nageeb Gounjaria

founder, director

Dini Anggita

program manager

Brands from Learn Faster